Saturday, February 8, 2014

Just DO it!

The last two weeks we have experienced some crazy weather.  From snow to ice to 70 degree weather, it's been a bit of a roller coaster winter.  Being stranded at work for two days caused me to think about being prepared for the uncertain. I was very fortunate to have been someplace where I had a pillow and blanket, food to eat, a bathroom...some others experienced a little more struggle as they were stranded on the road or even abandoned their vehicles to walk.  After Snowmageddon 2014, I said I would not be caught unprepared.  I decided that I would have a bag that I would keep in my car with extra clothing, blanket, toiletries, and snacks in case I ended up somewhere where I might be stuck for a while. This past week as we thought we might be experiencing round 2 of Snowmageddon, I realized that I did not have that bag yet.  Yep!  Here I was saying all along how I wanted to be prepared, but yet I wasn't willing to take the necessary steps to do it.  I had procrastinated.  I had delayed.  I had thought, "I'll do it tomorrow".  Sound familiar?

The roads were crazy!  People had to leave their cars and start walking. Many pictures of the day made it look like it was the rapture.  The cars were just left where they were and no one around. I wonder if this is how end times will be?  Makes the realization that people need to know Jesus even more urgent.  But as I write this blog mainly for myself, family and friends that read this, most of us know Jesus!  And yes, most of us need to be reminded by disasters such as this that our time is short and we need to share Jesus with others.  But I think it goes even deeper for us believers.  How prepared are we to live this life on earth, knowing Jesus, but not walking in His fullness?  How prepared are you?

Are you praying and believing for healing in your body?  Are you praying for someone to be delivered from addiction?  Are you praying for a marriage to be restored? A relationship to be reconciled?  Are you praying for financial breakthrough?  Are you praying about it; yet, DOING nothing to prepare for it? 
As I was reading in the one year chronological bible a few days ago in Exodus 12:11, I was amazed at what God told the Isrealites.  He was preparing them for the destruction of Egypt and gave them specific instructions on how to be spared during the passover.  He told them not only what to eat, but how to eat it:  "These are your instructions for eating this meal: Be fully dressed, wear your sandals, and carry your walking stick in your hand. Eat the meal with urgency, for this is the LORD's Passover."

God wanted to make sure that they were ready.  Committed.  Fully Clothed in Faith.  Prepared.  

Are you ready?  Ready to receive the answer to the miracle you are praying for?  If you're praying for healing in your body, are you honoring and respecting your body as God's holy temple so that you can walk in that full healing?  If you are praying for your marriage to be restored, are you doing all you can to be ready for that restoration- attending small groups, marriage conference, gaining strong mentors and accountability partners so that your union can be fully restored?  If you're praying for financial breakthrough, are you practicing Godly principles that will allow you to mange that miracle?  If not, then God is telling you to get prepared!  Be dressed and ready to walk.  The definition of preparation is willing to do DO something.  Clothe yourself in the faith that God will answer your miracle.  Romans 4:17 says that God "calls the things that are not as though they are".  Your preparation will allow you to walk in that miracle now as though it IS, so that when your miracle comes to fruition, you ARE fully able to receive it!  

Ask God to show you ways that you need to be prepared and don't wait.  Just DO it!  DO it now!

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