Prepare for 2014. Be intentional with your goals. Dream big. Be alert. Be clear. Take next steps. God has a specific purpose for you and He wants to carry it out. You just have to focus! What will you be focusing on in 2014? Bring it 2014!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
I was watching TV and a commercial came on last night for a 5 hour energy drink that talked about the word FOCUS. While I'm not necessarily a fan of energy drinks, I did find the commercial very inspiring. Click here to watch the video
It said Focus=clarity + alertness. As we are about to turn the page on 2014 and start 21 days of prayer on Jan. 5th, I am reminded that we should start the year with a focus. A focus to keep my prayers aligned. A focus to prioritize what gets my attention. A focus to determine where I want to spend my time and energy. Lets look at the creative definition of focus. Clarity=clearness of appearance and Alertness=a condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action. So basically focus allows us to take a clear next step by looking at everything through that filter. When we focus our prayers on what God wants for our lives, He will give us a clear next step. When we seek to stay in His presence, He will guide us and provide revelation. When we seek Him with clarity, He will reveal visions and dreams and when we seek Him with alertness, we are prepared for our next steps with a heightened awareness of what the enemy will try to bring against us. If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. (Proverbs 29:18 MSG)
Prepare for 2014. Be intentional with your goals. Dream big. Be alert. Be clear. Take next steps. God has a specific purpose for you and He wants to carry it out. You just have to focus! What will you be focusing on in 2014? Bring it 2014!
Prepare for 2014. Be intentional with your goals. Dream big. Be alert. Be clear. Take next steps. God has a specific purpose for you and He wants to carry it out. You just have to focus! What will you be focusing on in 2014? Bring it 2014!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Surrender Comfort- part 3
Had First Wednesday at church last night. What an incredible time of worship and the message was so timely! We are preparing for 21 days of prayer and fasting in January and this is such a needed time! It's so easy to get busy, to get distracted, to let the things of the world be louder than the voice of God. I am reflecting on the last few months and realize its easy to get in a routine. Almost like a rut. A place where you are pretty comfortable. Your prayer life begins to look the same. Your daily time with God looks the same. Your time with your spouse, your children, your job. We get settled into our lives where things feel pretty content. A comfort zone. And before you know it, we've let our body and soul become more powerful than our Spirit. I, for one, am excited about this prayer and fasting time. A time of connecting and re-connecting to God and disconnecting from the world. Act 3:19 says So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord; (Acts 3:19 AMP)
The effects of heat can be exhaustion, dehydration and weakness. We can experience this heat either knowingly or unknowingly. When we know we are in "the heat", we feel it. We walk in it and others know when we are in it. Yet, I think there's another time that we may be in it and not even realize. When we are in our comfort zone, "the heat" is slowly being turned up. We don't even realize what's happening. We let the world settle us into a place of comfort and that's where we stay, parched and dry.
God, I surrender my place of comfort. My settled routine. My life of normal. I repent for staying in a comfort zone because that's where it is easiest. I pray that I keep my eyes toward you so that passion and purpose can continue to burn inside me. I pray that "the heat" used now is used to revive and fan the flame of desire that you put inside of me. A desire to walk closer and more intimate with God so that I can fulfill His purpose for me while I am on this earth. May we all experience a time of refreshing (recovering, reviving) that gets us back on track and moving forward!
The effects of heat can be exhaustion, dehydration and weakness. We can experience this heat either knowingly or unknowingly. When we know we are in "the heat", we feel it. We walk in it and others know when we are in it. Yet, I think there's another time that we may be in it and not even realize. When we are in our comfort zone, "the heat" is slowly being turned up. We don't even realize what's happening. We let the world settle us into a place of comfort and that's where we stay, parched and dry.
God, I surrender my place of comfort. My settled routine. My life of normal. I repent for staying in a comfort zone because that's where it is easiest. I pray that I keep my eyes toward you so that passion and purpose can continue to burn inside me. I pray that "the heat" used now is used to revive and fan the flame of desire that you put inside of me. A desire to walk closer and more intimate with God so that I can fulfill His purpose for me while I am on this earth. May we all experience a time of refreshing (recovering, reviving) that gets us back on track and moving forward!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Surrender...part 2
A couple of weeks ago, I listened to a great word on surrender. Surrendering things in life that hold you back, that keep you from walking in God's purpose for your life, that keep you from experiencing the fullness of life. Some things that we need to surrender are easier to surrender because its very apparent that it is a struggle. Some things may be more subtle - things you don't even realize that are an issue. That's what God has been showing me lately. There are things in my life that I may focus or get hung up on and don't even realize its an issue. I've realized that I need to surrender certainty. Certainty is knowing something for sure, established without doubt. None of us know what tomorrow brings. For that matter, we don't even know what the next hour brings. How many of us spend time worrying and occupying our minds with thoughts about what could happen? The what ifs? The if this, then that? I can't tell you the number of times that I will play out a scenario in my mind that ends up not even being factual by the time it has played out in reality. I recently had a conversation with my youth pastor son, who gave me some wise advice. I had an issue that I needed to deal with and wasn't really sure how to confront this person. I had multiple scenarios in my mind, yet for all of them I was assuming I knew how the other person was feeling. I was certain that I knew the circumstances and I was responding to those circumstances based on my feelings. My son told me never to assume, instead confront with love and listen to that person before I come to conclusions and make decisions based on my feelings. And he was right. The circumstances were nothing as I was imagining and the situation turned out to be very positive. I felt certain that I knew the situation, yet it was uncertainty that was driving my thoughts. I realize that God wants me to trust in Him. I can't trust my feelings, because they will fail me. I can't know what my tomorrow, my next month or my next year will look like, but I don't have to know. All I have to do is keep my eyes focused on Him and walk according to His will. He will do the rest. There is a lot of freedom in that! Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1 NLT). Thank you for your assurance God knowing that He is in control and that I can trust Him. What do you need to trust Him with?
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
There are many things in our lives that we need to surrender to God -fears, our families, control, emotions...God has revealed a few to me that I don't even think I would have considered until He put light on it. First off, why must we surrender? If we are to walk in what God has truly designed for us, we must surrender fully to Him. We must completely submit that He is in control and trust that we can depend on Him for everything. Easier said than done, right? How many times are we dropping that thing that is keeping us from hearing God, saying I surrender all, only to pick it back up to continue to worry and stress about it! Maybe you've yielded those things to God and feel like you are able to trust Him in the difficult places in life. How about the not so difficult times? How about when everything is going smoothly-bills are paid, kids are happy, no worries, all is good? That's when complacency creeps in. It keeps us from fully surrendering our lives to what God has for us. It keeps us from dreaming, from stepping out in faith, from being. It keeps us satisfied with life as it is, not as it could be. It keeps us satisfied with what WE can do in life instead of focusing on what HE can do in our lives. Scripture in Revelation 3:15-17 “I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious that in fact you’re a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless."
God, I surrender complacency in my life. I surrender the desires of walking on a steady, stagnant path. Instead, I pray that you use me to bring life, to have passion and vision, to consume me with your thoughts and your dreams, to use me to fulfill the plan and purpose you have created me for! Let me never feel satisfied or have the feeling that I have arrived, but instead help me to seek and search for MORE of you! What do you need to surrender to fully walk in what God has purposed and designed for you?
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Worry - Two choices
How many of you have struggled with worry? Worried about the money in the checkbook? Worried about your child who is not living up to what you know they can? Worried about your health? About what people think or saying about you? Worried about your job? A relationship? The economy? The government shutdown? The list goes on and on. The world is a place where worry can fully abound and every situation in your life you could begin to let fear creep in. Worry is what the enemy uses to keep us from moving forward. Instead he keeps us spinning round and round. Wondering what could happen or doubting and fearing what will happen next. Worry is like riding a merry-go-round. It starts out slow, but as you push it and feed into it, it goes faster and faster and then its spinning out of control. It starts out being mild and something you can manage, but then can quickly become all consuming. As it goes round and round, you begin to get so sick that you want to get off but you cant. You try to jump off, but now you're so dizzy and can't get your balance enough to even stand up. So you stay spinning until it finally comes to a stop and you are left in a crumpled mess, exhausted and fearful for what happens next. Sound familiar? So how do we make it stop? How do we choose not to ride this ride anymore? Look to God's word! We have to trust Him that He is in control, no matter what the circumstances look like. You have two choices: Wonder OR Remind Yourself You can wonder if you will have enough money to pay that bill or you can remind yourself that God's word says "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19 You can wonder if God will restore that relationship or remind yourself that God's word says He can restore things because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing. (Romans 4:17 NLT) You can wonder what people think about you or you can remind yourself what God thinks about you. God says "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
I'm choosing to stop this merry-go-round of fear and anxiety and keep my feet and faith firmly planted in Him and in His word. How about you?
Monday, July 15, 2013
Ever had times in your mind where you are thinking "there's got to be MORE"? MORE than just getting up every day, making a cup of coffee, heading to work, coming home, taking care of the kids, eating dinner, watching a little tv, going to bed and then doing it all over again the next day? Throw in some dinners out to eat, family vacations and church get togethers to give our life what? purpose? excitement? add fun to our otherwise time-filled days? Purchase cars, houses, toys-things that will fulfill our lives and bring meaning and purpose to them? Really? That's why we exist on this earth, at this time, for this reason? I'm not saying that any of those things are bad, just that God wants MORE for us than that!
Esther 4:14 says "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" We were created for MORE. MORE than just the material things of this world. MORE than the routines of this world. The definition of MORE means greater <MORE than what we expected> We expect our lives to be one way, but God can produce MORE in and through us! Ephesians 3:20 says "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably MORE <greater than what we expected> than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." God has you right where you are to influence those around you! To leave a legacy pointing people to Him. He has us in this Kingdom to fulfill His purpose and we should seek that reason, understand it and follow it! Keep it in front of us as our passion, our purpose, our reason we exist! Let's not settle for just mediocre-let's bring out the best in others and the best in ourselves! See the potential in others and speak that over them! Recognize that you have been given specific gifts from Him and evaluate if you are utilizing them to their full capabilities! God can use you right where you are; all we have to do is be willing to let Him use us! You were made for such a time as this and You were made for MORE! God, use us for MORE!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
A four letter word!
FEAR. a four letter word. That's all it is. A four letter word. A nasty little four letter word. My focus for the next few weeks in my life is going to be on this word. Not to focus so that my fears get bigger, but to understand it so that I know how to battle it. As I have thought about this word fear and been faced with this crazy emotion the last few days, I know that I need to turn to His word for answers. I've been studying the book of Joshua and I continue to see these words-Do not be afraid or discouraged-being spoken to Joshua. These phrase is written many times and in many ways. I'm guessing that its being said many times because Joshua is looking at his circumstances and becoming afraid and discouraged and needs to be reminded by God to not be afraid or discouraged! I think I need to be reminded to not be afraid or discouraged. To be reminded that God's promises are true. They are true for my family. They are true for anyone who believes. And how do I need to be reminded of this-through God's word. Just as Joshua was reminded by The Lord when he said "This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Notice it says command. Not this is my suggestion. Not this would be a really good idea. "My command". I think it's such a strong statement because God knows how strong our fears can be. He knows how the enemy will play with our mind and start concocting all kinds of scenarios that aren't real or scenarios that could be real and devastating, which then keeps us thinking about that instead of surrendering and completely being dependent on Him. He knows that if the enemy can win the battle in our minds, then he has us paralyzed-unable to fight and useless in this battle of fear. I think its' time for me to spend the next few weeks standing on His promises that will give me assurance. Build my trust. Increase my courage. Strengthen my faith. Grow my confidence. Remind me who I am. So regardless of the fears we all face (and all of them ultimately relate back to fear)~disease, finances, careers, family, stress, addictions, relationships, pride, self-worth, control~there is a promise to counteract each one. Lord, let me cling to those promises and remind me daily of who I am and more importantly WHO YOU ARE!
Friday, May 24, 2013
It's the little things!🌞
Ever have moments in life where you feel like things are going so amazing and then the rug is pulled out from under you? Feel like life couldn't get any better and then it comes to a screeching halt? I think we all have experienced that in some form or fashion-some to a worse extent than others. It's life. It's the world we live in-this temporary place on Earth where we are here on this planet to make a difference and then move on to our ultimate heavenly home. It makes dealing with trials a little easier knowing that this moment is just a moment in the big scheme of things, but we still have to face this big thing called life. I face life by going to God's word because it is the map that helps guide us. It is so timely and so comforting. It gives us strength when we need it, peace when we are anxious, reminds us that He provides everything we need. But there's more. If we STOP and look around, listen and pause, we can see Him all around us. His word is living and breathing, "alive and active". We just need to be able to recognize it. I saw it today-in the cool breeze of the morning, in the rays of sun peeking out of the clouds, in the warmth of my morning coffee that my husband fixes every morning for me, the roses in bloom, even the sweet snuggles of my puppy dogs. The Lord is in every one of those things. He gives us things to love, to admire, to treasure. Those little things remind us that there is a God who loves us enough to be in the small, tiny details. I just have to remember to STOP and look for those things. To take the time out of the busyness of life, the daily grind, the news that you don't want to hear. This is the life that we live in. But I can find moments in every part of my day that I can see the Lord's hand in, that I can see His handiwork. And this is what helps us know that God is in the big details of our life as well. He knows your hurts and pain. He hears your cries. He knows your heart. He's there - in the Big and the Small!! All we have to do is to stop. Breathe. Rest. Pray. Thank Him. I pray we all look and find Him in those moments today!
The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in EVERY detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23
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