Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A four letter word!

FEAR. a four letter word. That's all it is. A four letter word. A nasty little four letter word. My focus for the next few weeks in my life is going to be on this word. Not to focus so that my fears get bigger, but to understand it so that I know how to battle it.  As I have thought about this word fear and been faced with this crazy emotion the last few days, I know that I need to turn to His word for answers.  I've been studying the book of Joshua and I continue to see these words-Do not be afraid or discouraged-being spoken to Joshua.  These phrase is written many times and in many ways.  I'm guessing that its being said many times because Joshua is looking at his circumstances and becoming afraid and discouraged and needs to be reminded by God to not be afraid or discouraged!  I think I need to be reminded to not be afraid or discouraged.  To be reminded that God's promises are true.  They are true for my family. They are true for anyone who believes. And how do I need to be reminded of this-through God's word. Just as Joshua was reminded by The Lord when he said "This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."  Notice it says command.  Not this is my suggestion.  Not this would be a really good idea.  "My command".  I think it's such a strong statement because God knows how strong our fears can be. He knows how the enemy will play with our mind and start concocting all kinds of scenarios that aren't real or scenarios that could be real and devastating, which then keeps us thinking about that instead of surrendering and completely being dependent on Him. He knows that if the enemy can win the battle in our minds, then he has us paralyzed-unable to fight and useless in this battle of fear.  I think its' time for me to spend the next few weeks standing on His promises that will give me assurance.  Build my trust.  Increase my courage.  Strengthen my faith.  Grow my confidence.  Remind me who I am. So regardless of the fears we all face (and all of them ultimately relate back to fear)~disease, finances, careers, family, stress, addictions, relationships, pride, self-worth, control~there is a promise to counteract each one.  Lord, let me cling to those promises and remind me daily of who I am and more importantly WHO YOU ARE!