The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in EVERY detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23
Friday, May 24, 2013
It's the little things!🌞
Ever have moments in life where you feel like things are going so amazing and then the rug is pulled out from under you? Feel like life couldn't get any better and then it comes to a screeching halt? I think we all have experienced that in some form or fashion-some to a worse extent than others. It's life. It's the world we live in-this temporary place on Earth where we are here on this planet to make a difference and then move on to our ultimate heavenly home. It makes dealing with trials a little easier knowing that this moment is just a moment in the big scheme of things, but we still have to face this big thing called life. I face life by going to God's word because it is the map that helps guide us. It is so timely and so comforting. It gives us strength when we need it, peace when we are anxious, reminds us that He provides everything we need. But there's more. If we STOP and look around, listen and pause, we can see Him all around us. His word is living and breathing, "alive and active". We just need to be able to recognize it. I saw it today-in the cool breeze of the morning, in the rays of sun peeking out of the clouds, in the warmth of my morning coffee that my husband fixes every morning for me, the roses in bloom, even the sweet snuggles of my puppy dogs. The Lord is in every one of those things. He gives us things to love, to admire, to treasure. Those little things remind us that there is a God who loves us enough to be in the small, tiny details. I just have to remember to STOP and look for those things. To take the time out of the busyness of life, the daily grind, the news that you don't want to hear. This is the life that we live in. But I can find moments in every part of my day that I can see the Lord's hand in, that I can see His handiwork. And this is what helps us know that God is in the big details of our life as well. He knows your hurts and pain. He hears your cries. He knows your heart. He's there - in the Big and the Small!! All we have to do is to stop. Breathe. Rest. Pray. Thank Him. I pray we all look and find Him in those moments today!
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